Upcoming Shows:

Cat-World Club Malta works with TopCat International Cats Ranking System where TopCat Rating monitors all the important shows.
TopCat International Rating System unites participants from countries around the world. The participants score points during the current calendar year.
At the beginning of the next calendar year TopCat Rating results for the previous year are announced, and the best pets, breeders, catteries and clubs are determined.
The results are publicly announced and the winners are awarded their prizes at annual final shows held within the TopCat Rating System in Russia and countries of the world.
Providing the organisers with an internet re source.
Acceptance/filing of applications are done via Internet.
Show organizers submit show results to the Rating administration.
The results of the shows held with the help of the above Internet resource are automatically accounted in the TopCat Rating Scoring.
Awarding of titles to winners and announcement of show results.
Show Classes: Click Here
What is a Cat Show:
A cat show consists of the cats entered in a show for individual judging, rings, fun shows, titles Pedigreed Cats: Each pedigreed cat has a Breed Standard. The judge evaluates each cat, placing titles, nomination and awards based on which cats represent the standard best. Pedigreed cats compete in the ; Kitten, Junior, Alter, Adult, Best in Show awards.
Household Pets (HHP): Household Cats are also welcome and judged by a standard which is based on the cat’s condition, beauty of it’s patterns and colours, it’s show temperament and presence . Household cats compete for titles and international awards in their respective HHP category.
World Organisation of Cats is an ideal and practical felinological system for the modern world.
How To Enter A Show:
See the Show Calendar to find a show date suitable for you. Obtain an upcoming show information by writing to the shows entry clerk. Entry information will be contained within the link.
Cat-World Club Malta works with TopCat International Cats Ranking System where TopCat Rating monitors all the important shows.
TopCat International Rating System unites participants from countries around the world. The participants score points during the current calendar year.
At the beginning of the next calendar year TopCat Rating results for the previous year are announced, and the best pets, breeders, catteries and clubs are determined.
The results are publicly announced and the winners are awarded their prizes at annual final shows held within the TopCat Rating System in Russia and countries of the world.
Cat Show Rules:
All cats are to be registered with a cat profile via TopCat System.
The show permit cats of 3 months of age or older to be entered.
Ineligible for entry;
Cats which are deaf.
Cats which are declawed or are missing physical properties, such as eyes, ears, legs, tail (except as specified in breed standards).
Cat claws are to be clipped prior to each show. Failure to do so may subject disqualification.
Cats that are sick or come from a home infected with infectious disease.
Cats infected with fleas.
Pregnant, lactating queens.
Cats are championship classified respectively as Kittens, Adults, or Alters Kittens or Adults – HHP Veteran 8 years + Kittens are 3-6 calendar months of age, Juniors are 6-10 calendar months of age ; Adults must be 10+ calendar months of age on the opening day of the show.
Exhibition Show Pop-up Shelters:
Cat-World Club Malta provides soft pop-up show shelters which are usually double cages for extra comfort, and grooming spaces. This is subject to an additional cost of 20 euros.
Show Time:
Try to arrive early; Check-In and settling down might take some time.
Check the chat for show or show clerk for the time. During Check-In you will receive your cats slip and number. This number is used in the catalogue, as the number that appears in the Judges Schedule, Evaluation Forms and Protocol for scoring, also as your benching number.
Find where your cat is benched and set up your cat’s cage, litter pan, etc. Don’t wait until the last minute. This helps you allow yourself plenty of time to set up, making your cat as comfortable as possible.
You and your cat will then be able to relax and enjoy the show.
Follow the judging schedule to locate your breed and to find out which judging ring you will go to first.
What To Bring To A Cat Show:
⦁ Vaccination records up to date for each entry.
⦁ Pedigree and Registration papers if applicable.
⦁ Litter box and Litter, water and food bowls may be useful.
⦁ Big Pad liners and something soft for the bottom of the cage.
⦁ Cat cushion, toys, teasers.
⦁ Nail clippers.
⦁ Any necessary grooming equipment.
Fun Shows and Rings:
Your cat will be called to the Ring or Fun Show, using the catalog number given to you. When you hear the number being called, take a pad liner and your cat to that ring.
Cat Show Exhibitor Etiquette:
⦁ Exhibitors are expected to comply with Registration Rules and Show Rules.
⦁ All claws are to be clipped prior to each entry . Failure to do so may subject entry to disqualification.
⦁ Exhibitors are not permitted to sit in the ring/ fun show holding cats prior to or during judging except with the explicit permission of the judge.
⦁ An exhibitor is not permitted, in any way, make known to an officiating judge which entry(ies) belong to her/him.
⦁ Gifts to the judges are not permitted prior to and during the shows.
⦁ If a cat requires special caging place during a judging ring, the exhibitor shall inform the ring master before the cat’s number is posted and in time for special arrangements to be made without inconveniencing any other cats and/or exhibitors.
Best In Show Finals
In each hair category the judge may nominate on each show day the following cats, which he judged on the concerned day, for the participation in Best in Show in each hair category of the WOC (LH, SLH, SH, SO, HL):
the best kitten 3 – 6 months male
the best kitten 3 – 6 months female
the best kitten 6 – 10 months male
the best kitten 6 – 10 months female
the best neutered cat male
the best spayed cat female
the best Veteran male
the best Veteran female
the best HHP
the best adult male
the best adult female
according to the standard of the breed.
Visiting Public:
It is very important that public visiting the cat shows behave responsibly. Loud noises disturb everybody, including the cats; children must be kept under control. Cats cannot be touched without the owner’s permission. Fingers, or anything else should never be placed in or near cat cages. Judging rings are reserved for judging and exhibitors’ cats only, however, visitors are welcome to view the cats from the seating areas in front of the ring.